

SAFE EUROPE is an European project financed by the European Commission, to investigate and identify the gaps between the skills required by Radiation Therapists / Therapeutic Radiographers to perform their duties in comparison with the educational training provided across Europe.

The WEBART2021 Conference will focus on the Education for Quality and SAFE Radiotherapy.

European Qualification Framework and Professional Certification across Europe are Key factors for a SAFE and FREE Exchange of Professionals in Radiotherapy.
Because the technology, software and the required skills are constantly changing, curriculum development for Advanced Practices in the field of Radiation Oncology are vital for providing high standard of care for ALL cancer patients in EUROPE.

SAFE Radiotherapy

Welcome to WEBART2021

The Portuguese Association of Radiation Therapists, together with the SAFE EUROPE Consortium, has the honour to invite professionals and students, and representatives from a broad spectrum of the society, including European national societies and political decision-makers, to participate in the  SAFE RADIOTHERAPY – WEBART2021, which will be held fully online due to the pandemic restrictions.

It is our aim at this WEBART2021, to be a platform for reflection and sharing about relevant topics towards Education, Quality and SAFE Radiotherapy.

Thanks for accepting the Challenge.

For the Recognition and Professional Excellence in Europe!


Filipe Cidade de Moura

President ART | WEBART2021

On behalf of ART | SAFE EUROPE Consortium

Programme Overview

Hours displayed in Lisbon / UK time (UTC+1)



9.00  (WEST – UTC + 1)  Opening Session

The SAFE EUROPE project: a brief overview and current status


Teaching Lecture: Quality and Safety

Radiation Therapist Education for Quality and SAFE Radiotherapy


Symposium: European mobility and Professional Certification

RTT Certification in Belgium

RTT Certification in UK

RTT Certification in Portugal



Symposium:  Circular Economy and Qualification Framework

A review of current research on circular economy and applicability to healthcare

National regulations and its impact on quality and competency level of Radiation Therapists

Education and competences for RTTs: European Qualification Framework and future roadmap


Symposium: Curriculum development

A systematic review of advanced practice of  RTTs/TRs: roles and capabilities

From Practitioner to Consultant RTT/TR


RTTalks| Round Table: SAFE Radiotherapy

From Education to Patient Safety


16.00  (WEST – UTC + 1)  Final remarks and Conclusion of WEBART2021



The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.